Email the Douglas County officials and ask why these animals were
not given more than two days to be networked, promoted and given a
chance to find a home. Please click on the link and email them directly. Board of Commissioners, ACAB and County Administrator.
The "In Danger" list for this week was not published until late
Wednesday March 27,2013. There are 13 dogs on the list. The shelter
was closed on Friday March 29th and will be closed Sunday, March 31,
2013. With the holiday that reduces the number of days to promote,
network and try to find these animals homes or rescues.
were people who went to the shelter yesterday to look at adopting or
rescuing some of the animals in need. They were unaware they were
closed until after their arrival at the shelter.
and citizens of Douglas County emailed Mr. Smith to ask for additional
time for these animals since they were only given
days to be adopted or rescued by the public. And the public was not
aware of the reduced hours for the shelter this weekend. According to
the below response the animals only have
TODAY to be
either adopted or rescued. Below you will find Mr. Smith's response.
Please note the reasons given below, "limited space" and "length of
time" ; however the citizens have been repeatedly told by county
officials that DCAC ONLY euthanizes animals that are sick, severely
injured or aggressive.
From: Rick Smith
Date: March 30, 2013, 10:51:17 AM EDT
To: 'Sydney Arthur'
Subject: RE: Request for more time for dogs at Douglas County Animal Shelter
We would love to give these animals more time. Unfortunately, due to
“limited space” and the “length of time” that these animals have already
been here we are unable to extend the holding period. We are open
today from 1:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. so please feel free to come out and
adopt as many of the animals as you wish. If none of the animals on
the list are appealing there are other animals as well to choose from.
Rick Smith, Director
Douglas County Animal Control Services
From: Sydney Arthur [
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 11:48 PM
To: Rick Smith
Subject: Request for more time for dogs at Douglas County Animal Shelter
Mr. Smith,
am e-mailing to ask that you extend the time for the 12 dogs scheduled
to be killed on April 1st. Many of us are getting the word out to try
and find homes for these dogs. With enough time, homes can be found
for many of them.
Thank you for considering my request. I am a
Douglas County resident who is very concerned that we do everything
possible to save animals in our county shelter.
Thank you,
Sydney Arthur
take the time to go to the shelter today if you are interested in
adopting or rescuing an animal on the "in danger" list , as they will
not be there next week. There are also many other animals there in need
of a home.